Nigel Crooke

Image result for nigel cookeNigel Cooke is a modern contemporary painter. His work is well known for their surreal abstract dystopia, he uses color and shading to create life like dreamy pieces. Cooke was born in Manchester in 1973, he has had multiple exhibitions all over the world. His work challenges the basic forms of abstract painting, gaining a lot of popularity. I chose Cookes work because each piece is unique, and his art style changes throughout his work.Image result for nigel cookeImage result for nigel cookeImage result for nigel cookeImage result for nigel cooke


  1. I love the first picture, with the sprinkler/hose thing. Although they are macabre, these paintings are also whimsical.

    I wish you had spread out your writing a bit more, instead of concentrating it all at the top, and also wrote about your reactions to each piece. It would have been nice to see you elaborate on what you meant by "his art style changes throughout his work."


  2. I agree with Benjy on this post, I think. It would be more effective to spread out the information, but otherwise I like this post and the art is really intriguing.

  3. This! Art is very cool!! The background on the artist was really good but I would have like to hear more about your feelings on his art and why you chose these pieces. I also really like the pictures you chose.

  4. I love this. I love how dark and ominous it all is especially the third one. I can see how his art style changes throughout each picture and it's pretty cool, no two pictures look the same. I would've liked to hear what this dudes deal was but dispite that good post.

  5. I like these paintings a lot! Like you said, without knowing Cooke did all of them, I would not guess that they were created by the same artist. That's something really interesting.

  6. I totally agree with the part that each piece is different and he doesn't conform to one art type. His paintings are very detailed and some look like photographs.


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