Marc Chagall

Marc Chagall was born Moishe Shagal on July  7, 1887.
At 19 Marc entered the private School of drawing and painting. His early pieces were often of the town where he was born and raised, Vitebsk. He was an early modernist artists who created paintings, book illustrations, stained glass, ceramics and fine art prints. After living in france and surrounding himself with artistic freedom, he was described as "His vision soared and he created a new reality, one that drew on both his inner and outer worlds". A well known medium of his includes his stained glass pieces. He began creating stained glass with a synagogue at Hebrew University's Hadassah Medical center in Jerusalem. He often read the bible and felt inspired to make these stained glass pieces.


  1. I really like the first two and the last one!!
    Thank you for sharing these, his work is very cool! Also interesting background information.

  2. I like the info you gave, and the photos all look really cool. I like how varied they all are.

  3. gorgeous blog gorgeous writing this is amazing and fantastic. I like all the background you have on Chagall, it offers insight into the process behind his art


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