painting on leaves

I chose leaves as the non-traditional painting method. I chose leaves because of house fragile they are, and how thing easily it can be to break them or rip them. In these photos, the paintings are extremely detailed, and you can tell that in order to complete one of these paintings you'd have to have a very tiny brush and an extremely steady hand. My favorite pictures are of the horizons and the panda enjoying some bamboo. These tiny little worlds are shown on such a thin fragile piece of nature, which I find fascinating.


  1. I like the typos in the beginning. Very rushed. However, I do like the painting with the man on it. 1/1

  2. I like the typos in the beginning. Very rushed. However, I do like the painting with the man on it. 1/1

  3. This is very cool. I like the landscapes/ animals a lot! More background information might be helpful but your opinion was very interesting.

  4. I likey these paintings and I love that (or course) you chose one with a lil panda on it.

  5. she did that she painted those leaves!!! haha lol

  6. those leaf drawing was very interesting, i like it very much. great post!


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